Keeping out of debt, you need an emergency plan. Includes: - a fund emergency - try, never, ever go (only in the event of major emergencies).
-A "safe" savings - for occasional large expenses (e.g. repairs, Christmas, taxes, etc.).
"Buy-A" "savings – only to things to buy more than your monthly income cost."
-A protect overdraft line of credit protection against returned check fees. Use it for anything else than to avoid bouncing checks.
-Kreditkarte "empty" (one that rarely if ever used - hold only for emergencies - net zero, zero interest).
Get to pay your credit card each month avoid in the habit of interest.
The higher the rate, greater is the risk. Get a secure return of at least some of your savings.
Were not signed on other loans. Intends to pay, but you can really afford. Subscribed too often ends the payment loans, are not ready and continue to financial difficulties. Many co signors have now negative credit ratings because a borrower principal paid later. Many lenders not notified co-signor before report on late payments or repossessions credit Office.
Nothing is certain. If no one claims your money safely use lie or simply do not understand that there are always risks involved - even if risking only opportunity.
Keep in mind that if you borrow still future issues of income and options for the future are removed. If you borrow, even with low rates nor paid to use someone else money.
The tax advantage, maintain a mortgage: You pay me $ 10,000 this year, and my uncle SAM can deduct your tax $ 2,000 next (if you on average 20% tax bracket) year