Sunday, August 22, 2010

Average person can overcome 15 ways large and growing debt.

Share you these recommendations, I suggest that you have a way to track your expenses. This gives a clear picture of what you daily, spend weekly or monthly and helps you reduce costs, if necessary.

(1) Accept the fact that in debt, and forgive yourself too. If you denial-of are, are you more likely to repeat the pattern.

(2) Reduce the monthly expenses. For example, once the price of gas has increased, passed our monthly costs of gas approximately 200 US dollars around $ 450-500, 00. In an effort to our cost of gas to reduce stopped I miniature travel every day. Also, would my husband my car will go on weekends, because it costs less gas.

(3) If you are a person, which makes several trips to the grocery store during the month, reducing the number of trips a month with the exception of fresh vegetables. This reduces the number of times that you need to put gas in the car. Today, most costs leave the House to eat as well to go to get to work.

(4) The increasing electricity bill repairs at home to do one programmable thermostats now obtaining begin and be set at a certain temperature so that automatically turn.

(5) As an option for temporary a second job extra income. If married, this should be the person who has the ability to generate more revenue. I recommend not multi level marketing opportunities.

(6) For a person in debt - if you are outside the weekends, temporarily work to weekend and put these funds into invoices along with their regular income.

(7) If you consider a mobile phone and a regular phone that have long distance you have both phones. Expensive you can get both with long distance. Maybe you can remove the normal phone and just use your mobile phone if most people if you call this number.

(8) If you are a stay at home mother, think I that children should not going to care. This is an unnecessary cost.

(9) Be appropriate of your expenses for your children. A six-month-old baby has, for example, no clothing brand. You must be dressed. Hit enter "Mommy group" where you and your friends clothing, can share on the basis of gender and age. I have a couple of mothers to change clothes, and this will save all we have to buy in the store.

(10) Grooming expenses for adults: it is really necessary to get your nails facts every week? You could put the money towards a Bill? If your hair done whenever it is a fabric, Perm, braids or dyes weekly - a high end salon or clips for the same thing could be great? What am I saying not pampered to leave but, as time harder get what is the need?

(11) The maintenance of your car is a necessity, but it is not a car wash every week. You can wash your car at home. Assess how you spend your money.

(12) If you are a person who like to go out to eat, you reduce the number of times per month that go out to eat. Let's home to Cook as you buy food for the month.

(13) The entertainment - whether movies, bars or happy hour - the cost of this supplement. For example, Matinee is $ 7.50 per person (for the two of us $ 15.00, before we eat at all, what we would cost another $ 15.00) is really necessary, now see the movie or could wait three months and point DVD. Netflix is an option.

(14) Add how much you spend on a vending machine per week if you are at work, when to work outside the home. Consider snacks from home.

(15) The insurance practice - if you had a job and health insurance, another job, have backed up with COBRA until you are looking for an alternative to payments COBRA health insurance. I remember when I first stopped working in the law firm we, COBRA almost 18 months have used and the price has increased twice. Before the second increase in a shared insurance plan and we is saved lots of money.

* There must be some structure in these difficult economic times. However, should not as hard be this time, you can enjoy not life.